Fatimid Horseman on Plate (1100s)

The Fatimid Caliphate was an empire which emerged in 909. During this time it have control of North Africa and parts of West Asia. The Fatimids claimed they were the descendants of Fatimah. She was the daughter of Muhammad. Fatimah is venerated much like Christians venerate Mary. The Islamic empire produced a copious amount of […]

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Shah Ismail I Portrait (1552-1568)

Shah Ismail I was the founder of the Safavid Empire. The Safavid Empire at the height of its power included Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkmenistan , and parts of Turkey. The Safavids would expand into parts of Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Georgia, Russia, and the Northern Caucasus. The portrait was produced by Cristofano […]

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Masjid al-Haram Engraving (1778)

The engraving depicts the Masjid al-Haram. The Masjid al-Haram engraving was produced by Pierre Gabriel Berthault. The image appeared in the General Table of the Ottoman Empire. The multiple volume series was explored the history of the Ottoman Empire. This gave French scholars at the time a source of information on West Asia. During the […]

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Kwame Ture Zionism Lecture (1990)

Kwame Ture (1941-1998) was one of the prominent leaders of SNCC and a major figure in the pan-African movement. Ture gave a lecture in 1990 analyzing Zionism as a political philosophy. What Kwame Ture emphasized is that Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a nationalist ideology. Zionism remains the basis for colonization of Arab […]

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Edward Said : Imeperial Continuity Palestine, Iraq, And U.S. Foreign Policy (2003)

Edward Said (1935-2003) was professor of comparative literature and English . He was a major contributor to post-colonial studies and frequently discussed foreign policy. Dr. Said gave a lecture at the University of Washington discussing the Iraq War, Palestine, and the context in reference to US foreign policy. The lecture was presented May 8, 2003. […]

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Sands of Sorrow (1950)

The Council for Relief of Palestine Arab Refugees produced a documentary in 1950 on those who were displaced by the creation of Israel. Palestinians lost their lands in the creation of a Zionist state. The conditions in the refugees camps were horrid. Lacking of housing and food security were the biggest concerns. Access to clear […]

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Leila Khaled Graffiti Art (2012)

The graffiti art depicts Leila Khaled a prominent member of the Popular Front For The Liberation of Palestine. The image was taken in 2012, which remains on the Israeli West Bank barrier. What is written next to her image is “don’t forget the struggle.” Since the creation of the state of Israel and the Palestinian […]

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Burj Khalifa (2010)

The Burj Khalifa holds the record of the tallest building in the world. Besides the record building holds, it demonstrates an advance in architecture. Neo-futurism was making an impact on buildings in the early 2000s. The style can be seen throughout the Middle East and East Asia. Overtime, building have gotten bigger due to the […]

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