Sands of Sorrow (1950)

The Council for Relief of Palestine Arab Refugees produced a documentary in 1950 on those who were displaced by the creation of Israel. Palestinians lost their lands in the creation of a Zionist state. The conditions in the refugees camps were horrid. Lacking of housing and food security were the biggest concerns. Access to clear water and the concern about public health became issue in crowed refugee camps. Egypt provided food and security to those who fled. The Gaza Strip was under Egypt’s military occupation. That began in 1949 and ended with the Six-Day War in 1967. Many generations have been born in and lived in refugee camps. The United Nations was partly to blame for the condition of the Palestinian people. The UN did not sanction Israel’s violence directed at the Arab population. Al-Nakba describes the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which resulted 750,000 fleeing to avoid violence.

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