Yasser Arafat And Ezer Weizmann On Thames TV Interview (1978)

Yasser Arafat and Ezer Weizmann spoke with Thames TV in 1978. At the time, Israel had invaded Lebanon to remove the the PLO. Israel justified the invasion by stating it was a response to an attack on the Coastal Highway. The intent was to disrupt the peace talks with Egypt, fearing that support would be lost for the Palestinian cause. Thus, Operation Litani commenced. This did not result in further Israeli conquests. The United Nations interim force in Lebanon remained in the area as peacekeepers. Yasser Arafat points out how those living in refugee camps and certain villages were attacked by Israeli forces. Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann claims that Israel was fighting to secure the state. Israel would invade once more in 1982 . The United Nations interim force in Lebanon remained in the area as peacekeepers. Yasser Arafat points out how those living in refugee camps and certain villages were attacked by Israeli forces. Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann claims that Israel was fighting to secure the state. Israel would invade once more in 1982 . Israel would occupy Southern Lebanon from 1985 to 2000.

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